Ribbon7k monitoring profiles: Difference between revisions

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Modify the monitoring profile to send only TLS signaling to the remote server:
Modify the monitoring profile to send only TLS signaling to the remote server:

Execute the following CLI command (on Ribbon host)
Execute the following CLI command (on Ribbon host)

Revision as of 08:28, 25 April 2024

Use the monitoring profile

For getting the TLS signalling decrypted by ribbon SBC:

We will use the Monitoring Profile feature to send only TLS decoded signaling to a voipmonitor server

On the SBC navigate to All > Profiles > Services > Monitoring Profile. The Monitoring Profile window displays, containing the table Monitoring Profile List.

Modify the monitoring profile to send only TLS signaling to the remote server:

Execute the following CLI command (on Ribbon host)

set addressContext AC_INTP zone INTERNAL_IPIG sipSigPort 1 monitoringProfileName TEST_Monitoring_Profile

The syntax:

set addressContext <address_context> zone <zone_name> sipSigPort 1 monitoringProfileName <monitoring_profile_name>

Verify that SBC are sending data

Verify on the SBC that the data are traveling to the remote server:

tshark -i pkt1 port 9514

Assign the TEST_Monitoring_Profile to the Sip Signaling Port

Verify on the monitoring server

that the packets are arriving from sbc:

tcpdump -i any port 9514 -w /var/tmp/Capture_Mar26_fromRibbon_TLS_only.pcap

Incorporating source and dest IP with monitoring profile

You may also need the source and destination IPs incorporated in the feed to the monitoring server. Under Header add the source and destination IPs to the selected monitoring profile.

This gets the source and destination IPs incorporated in the SIP signaling sent to the remote server. From here the data can be injested and processed by the far end server. The packets appear as follows on the far end server.

The source: Ribbon's site at https://doc.rbbn.com/display/SBXDOC121/Services+-+Monitoring+Profile