From VoIPmonitor.org
Revision as of 17:16, 16 June 2015 by Festr (talk | contribs)
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How does voipmonitor scale?

Read this: Scaling

How to clean old data and database?

Read this: Data Cleaning


What is the red small icon in CDR?

The red icon in those columns signalize which side sends BYE first.

How to interpret two charts in the cdr detail?

See this: Graph cheat sheet

Supported architectures

What architectures are tested?

x86 32 and 64, ARMv5 - (if you have error with missing "__sync_fetch_and_sub_8" you have to upgrade GCC compiler to version 4.8)


Why I do not see sip packets other then port 5060?

Voipmonitor sniffer by default sniffs packets only on port 5060 from or to. If you need to sniff more SIP ports you need to specify it in configuration. Please see this: Sniffer_configuration#sipport

How to disable timezone check

Go to settings -> System configuration -> Advanced section -> Hide timezone information -> Enable and set to TRUE


How to know how many license channels do we need?

You can have unlimited number of phones / endpoints but you need to buy channels according to your maximum number of calls at the same time during peak.

Go to GUI -> Tools -> concurrent calls which will show peaks past 14 days. All multiple legs are already aggregated into single channel so you do not need to buy extra channels in case you have two or more CDR per one real call. The intention is to scale pricing based on real concurrent calls not accounting multiple legs of the same calls.

How does having multiple sensors affect the licensing? If I add a 2-3 remote sensors to the system, would they use the same license pool?

Central GUI calculates connected channels for the whole database but groups all calls legs as a single call so multiple legs are not counted twice etc.

accident / unwanted spikes

If your license is blocked due to high spike (accident / hack whatever) you need to delete those CDR from database via the GUI (filter those calls and in toolbar use delete buttons) and then try to unblock the license.


You can enable DTMF RFC2833 or DTMF SIP INFO in voipmonitor.conf by enabling:

dtmf2db = yes

You can also enable DTMF inband detection (only for G.711) by enabling (it will take some CPU)

inbanddtmf = yes
