Google Sign in usage

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  • it's disabled by default
  • you can enable it in the 'Settings->System configuration->Enable Google Sign in' with Voipmonitor's OAuth2.0 client ID as a default. So you can use it if you will use the name '' as a hostname in your webserver (suppose https access). (it's allowed Authorized JavaScript origins hostname)
  • the client ID can be changed in the 'Settings->System configuration->Google client ID for Google Sign in'
  • the G button can be disabled in the 'Settings->System configuration->Don't display Google Sign in button'
  • the Google account's email is used as a key in GUI's user list. So you need to create users in the GUI with the appropriate email and to use the 'Google Sign in' as an authorization engine. The user's permissions are used from the GUI's user setting.


  • click on the G button an do auth

Own credential (the fast way how to create own credential)

  • API & Service -> credential -> create new credential -> type 'OAuth client ID' -> web application: here you get your client_id which you enter into the GUI.
  • Edit this new credential: Restriction -> Authorized JavaScript origins : set allowed URLs (now allowed only https:// URLs !!!)
  • Return to the API -> credentials -> OAuth consent screen : set 'Application type' and 'Authorized domains' (not needed in latest Google console settings)

That's all. After that logout from all your services logged with google account a re-login.

(Of course don't forget to enable the GAuth in the GUI).