Backup and restore GUI tables

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Backup and restore GUI table settings script

the script is used for peridically restore of settings from primary db(GUI) host to a backup GUI(db) host. (can be used with migration instance to mirror also GUI settings not only calldata)


the script requires to set at least variables: primaryhost,backupfilenameremote,backupfilenamelocal Folders in paths defined in sctipt needs to exists on the hosts, also it is necessary to allow passless access to primary host from secondary host as root and the script needs to be run under root user. The voipmontior GUI on backup host needs to points to backupdb


#from where to get GUI's data

#if backups should be kept locally

datestr=`date +'%Y%m%d-%H%M'`
remotecmdstr="cd /var/www/html; php php/run.php backupGuiTables -t config -f $backupfilenameremote"

#create backup on primary
ssh $primaryhost $remotecmdstr
#get the backup
scp -q $primaryhost:/$backupfilenameremote $backupfilenamelocal

#remove the backup file on the primary after copied
ssh $primaryhost rm $backupfilenameremote

#apply the backup here
cd /var/www/html
#echo php/run.php restoreGuiTables -t config -f $backupfilenamelocal
php php/run.php restoreGuiTables -t config -f $backupfilenamelocal

if [ "$keepbackups" = false ] ; then
  rm $backupfilenamelocal


Placed following line into /etc/crontab to backup and restore every 30 minutes

*/30 * * * * root /root/voipmonitor/

Then restart the crontab or send it HUP signall with kill command


Keep in mind that when GUI on primary is configured to send the emails, after the settings migrated to backup GUI/db it will try to send same emails as well - you should disable the deafult crontab line for sending reports/alerts and enable only periodic license check on the backupdb to not get same reports/alert twice (from primary gui and from backup GUI)

How to set license checks to be made without processing alerts/reports (for backup db/GUI hosts) Internal_support_hints#keep_the_license_updated_without_processing_alerts_reports